Archive for January, 2012

Domain Registry Of America stikes again (and PROVES their stupidity!)

Domain Registry Of America is back, this time to TO PROVE how stupid they are!  After my previous post about DROA, I changed the mailing address for all my domains’ WHOIS records to include a line reading “DOMAIN REGISTRY OF AMERICA SUCKS!!”.  Look what I got in the mail today:

Simple proof that they are using WHOIS records for their own marketing purposes, a use that is (supposed to be) forbidden by their accreditation agreement(s) with ICANN.

Here’s a close up of the address label:


Playing “Hide ‘n’ Seek” with Social Security!

If you have to go to the Social Security office in your town, be prepared to play some Hide ‘n’ Seek!  I went to my local office today.  The sign in the lobby said “Social Security Office – Second Floor”.  So we got on the elevator, went up to TWO, and got off.  We walked down the hallway, but NONE OF THE DOORS HAD ANY SIGNS ON THEM.  I tried the biggest door, figuring it was the most obvious, but I was wrong – it was locked.  I walked back down the hallway towards the elevator, trying each door.  All were locked except the last one:

Like I was supposed to know this was the Social Security office?!?